xTechSBIR CleanTech

The U.S. Army would like to invite interested entities to participate in the xTech Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Clean Tech competition, a clean tech open-topic competition to engage with the Army, earn prize money and provide potential funding opportunities to tackle Army challenges within the clean tech space.


    Aegis Power Systems

    Modular Clean Energy Storage Auxiliary Power Unit for Austere and Contested EnvironmentsFocus Area: Clean Energy Storage Visit Website

    AmpX Technologies, Inc.

    Next Generation Import/Export Power ConverterElectric Transportation Visit Website

    Anthro Energy

    Robust Polymer Electrolytes for High Energy Density, Structural Lithium Ion BatteriesClean Energy Storage Visit Website


    Improved Reusable Avionics for Electric Aircraft Visit Website

    Barrow Green, LLC

    Energy-Efficient Hydrofluorocarbon-Free Elastocaloric Cooling TechnologyClean Industry Tech Visit Website

    Carbon Limit Co.

    Green Cement Nanotechnology to Reduce Concrete’s Carbon Footprint and Improve PerformanceClean Industry Tech Visit Website

    e-volve, inc.

    Advanced Superconducting Cables for AircraftElectric Transportation Visit Website

    Enexor BioEnergy

    Clean onsite energy from organic, biomass, and plastic waste, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and deliver renewable energy, improved resiliency, and cost savings to the U.S. Army.Clean Energy Generation Visit Website


    Production of Lithium Salts for Li-ion Batteries Using Thermal and Cyclonic Brine ConcentrationClean Energy Storage Visit Website

    FC Renew, LLC

    Extended Durability Fuel CellsClean Energy Storage Visit Website


    Ultra-Reliable Magnetic Gear Integrated Motor-Generator for Extended Range and Reduced Maintenance of Electric Transportation Air and Ground VehiclesElectric Transportation Visit Website

    Genesis Systems

    WaterCube™ - Hydrating the Force with Sustainable Water from AirClean Industry Tech Visit Website


    Ruggedized and Modular Power Generation System to Enable Contingency Basing OperationsClean Energy Storage Visit Website

    Paragon Robotics

    Containerized Photovoltaic Microgrid System for Forward Operation EnvironmentsClean Energy Distribution Visit Website


    A Safe, Ultra-High Energy Density Battery with Li Metal Anode and Solid SeparatorClean Energy Storage Visit Website


    Hybrid Solar Electric Container RefrigerationFocus Area: Clean Energy Generation Visit Website

    R-DEX Systems, Inc.

    The Electric Vehicle Battery Total Life Cycle (EVB-TLC) System for Improved EV Battery ManagementClean Tech – Other Visit Website

    re: 3D Inc

    3D Printing with Plastic Waste in Off Grid Shipping ContainersClean Tech – Other Visit Website

    Resilient Energy and Infrastructure

    Rapid Deployment Hybrid MicroGrid, a Plug & Play Transportable Solar PV System-of-SystemsClean Tech – Other Visit Website

    Resilient Power Systems

    Solid State Power Stations for clean microgrids with EV chargingElectric Transportation Visit Website

    Resonant Link

    Ultra-fast wireless charging to power the next-generation, all-electric ground fleetElectric Transportation Visit Website

    Smart Material Solutions, Inc.

    Nanopatterned coatings for thin-film solar panelsClean Energy Generation Visit Website

    Solar Roadways

    Solar Roadways can turn all paved surfaces into intelligent infrastructure that produces clean energyClean Energy Generation Visit Website

    Stealth Power

    Stealth Power’s Clean Generator for Resilient PowerClean Energy Storage Visit Website

    Accelerate Wind, Inc.

    Quiet, Low-Footprint Wind Turbine for Installations and Forward Operating BasesClean Energy Generation Visit Website

    Advanced Materials Manufacturing

    Revolutionary metallic material for clean industry tech.Clean Industry Tech Visit Website

    Arbor Batteries LLC

    Li-ion Batteries with Improved Charge Rate, Energy Density, and Safety, using 3D Structured ElectrodesClean Energy Storage Visit Website

    Dynaflow, Inc.

    Enhanced Biogas Production from WastewaterClean Energy Generation Visit Website

    Fairmount Technologies, LLC.

    Green manufacturing avoiding tooling, lubrication, degreasing, and heat treatmentClean Industry Tech Visit Website

    Flux XII

    A Safe, Efficient, and Dense Metal-Free Aqueous Flow Battery for Secure U.S Grid and Military OperationsClean Energy Storage Visit Website

    Forever Energy

    An integrated mixed-acid, vanadium-based solor + stroage system for military, home and business useClean Energy Storage Visit Website

    Hawk Technologies

    Modular Electronic Gasifier SystemClean Energy Generation Visit Website

    Imperia Batteries

    Advance Li-ion Battery Manufacturing Processes to Maximize Performance and Minimize WasteClean Energy Storage Visit Website


    Advanced Metal Anodes Enabled High Energy Density Lithium Metal BatteriesClean Energy Storage Visit Website

    LIFT Aircraft, Inc.

    Electric, Vertical Flight Cargo and MedEvac Applications for ArmyElectric Transportation Visit Website

    Lithium Power, Inc.

    Plug-and-Play Smart Lithium BatteriesClean Energy Storage Visit Website

    Mainstream Engineering

    Pyrolysis Solid Waste Remediation System for Clean Energy GenerationClean Energy Generation Visit Website

    MolyWorks Materials Corp

    Sustainable Production of NdFeB supermagnetsClean Industry Tech Visit Website


    Autonomous, 100kW hours Capacity, Mobile, Clean Energy GeneratorClean Energy Storage Visit Website

    Management Sciences, Inc.

    Cybersecure Energy IoT Controller for Clean Micro GridsClean Tech – Other Visit Website

    Nanohmics, Inc.

    Low-cost and Efficient Thermoelectric Waste Heat Recovery system for armored combat vehiclesClean Energy Generation Visit Website


    Tactical Processing for SCADA Analytics on the MicrogridClean Industry Tech Visit Website

    Pathfinder Electronics LLC

    High Energy, Abuse Tolerant NFA-based Li-ion BatteryClean Energy Storage Visit Website


    PEACE Controller – Portable Renewable Energy for Tactical OperationsClean Energy Generation Visit Website

    SWR Technology, Inc.

    Green PADS (Portable Autonomous Docking System) for Group 1 & 2 VTOL UASElectric Transportation Visit Website

    Team Zansors

    High-Performance Clean Energy DC/DC Power Converter Using Wide Band SemiconductorsClean Energy Storage Visit Website

    TiaLinx, Inc.

    eBeam22-A™, A Spatially Adaptive Multi-Beam Energy Delivery SystemClean Energy Distribution Visit Website

    Transition45 Technologies, Inc.

    Reduced Energy Manufacture of Higher Structural Efficiency Titanium for a Lighter Weight ArmyClean Industry Tech Visit Website


    Ultrafast Charging Batteries for Supremely Efficient Warfighter LogisticsClean Energy Generation Visit Website

    Ventum Biotech

    Ventum One-Touch™ Decontamination SolutionClean Tech – Other Visit Website



The U.S. Army would like to invite interested entities to participate in the xTech Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Clean Tech competition, a clean tech open-topic competition to engage with the Army, earn prize money and provide potential funding opportunities to tackle Army challenges within the clean tech space. Winners of xTechSBIR Clean Tech competition will have the opportunity to submit a Phase I or a Direct to Phase II SBIR proposal to prototype their proposed technology innovations.

The xTechSBIR Clean Tech competition is sponsored by the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology). As the Army aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30%, by 2030, ASA(ALT) is committed to that mission through supporting technological innovation and utilizing the Army xTech and Army SBIR programs to help in achieving the Army’s overarching goals. The ASA(ALT) recognizes that the U.S. Army must enhance engagements with small businesses by (1) understanding the spectrum of ‘world-class’ technologies being developed commercially within the clean tech realm, that may benefit the Army, (2) integrating the sector of commercial innovators into the Army’s Science and Technology ecosystems, and (3) providing mentorship and expertise to accelerate, mature, and transition technologies of interest to the Army.

Technology Focus Areas

The xTechSBIR Clean Tech competition is seeking novel, disruptive concepts and technology solutions that have both civilian and military applications (dual use capabilities) that can assist in tackling the Army’s current needs and be applied to current Army concepts. The intent is to provide the Army with transformative technology solutions while enabling cost savings throughout the Army systems life-cycle. Participants can submit applications on any solution related to clean tech that might apply to the Army’s current needs. Below is a list of key focus areas for this competition, but eligible entities can submit on solutions outside of these areas that are related to clean tech.

  • Clean Energy Generation: The U.S. Army is looking for reliable and affordable ways to generate energy from renewable, zero-emission, non-polluting sources. This includes solar, wind, water, nuclear, thermal, and waste-to-energy based energy solutions or a combination of these alone or with legacy DOD power generation systems.
  • Clean Energy Storage: Clean Energy Storage focuses around energy storage systems (batteries, capacitors, hybrid devices, and DC/DC converters) and the technology solutions to optimize single cell, modules, and vehicle-packaged cost, performance, safety, life, abuse tolerance, recycling, and sustainability within production, use, and disposal processes.
  • Clean Micro Grid: Clean micro grids focuses on devices and controlling digital information systems that optimize the efficiency, reliability, and security of grid-delivered power. This includes management, energy storage, metering & monitoring, AI grid optimization, sensors, diagnostics/prognostics, and analytics.
  • Electric Transportation: Electric transportation focuses on software and hardware solutions for electric and hybrid-electric systems for vehicles and aviation. This includes the supporting infrastructure for operational energy availability and sustainment. Components may include platform rechargers with our without power generation sources, range extenders, and battery technologies.
  • Clean Industry Tech: Clean Industry Tech puts focus on overall sustainability of industrial processes and associated supply chains. This area emphasizes emissions minimization and efficiency maximization. Solutions sought includes altering manufacturing processes to decrease resource consumption, generate sustainable power and fuels, and develop alternatives for environmentally harmful or scarce materials.

Partner Agency: The Office of the United States Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA(ALT)) and U.S. Army Applied Small Business Innovation Research Program


PHASE 1: Phase 1: Concept White Paper

Apr 11, 2022 - May 9, 2022

Up to 50 Finalists


PHASE 2: Phase 2: Final Technology Pitches

Jun 8, 2022 - Jul 1, 2022

Up to 35 Finalists


PHASE 3: Phase 3: Request for SBIR Phase I or Direct to Phase II

Jun 8, 2022 - Jun 15, 2022

Up to 35 Winners

SBIR Phase I: Up to $250K; SBIR D2PhII: Up to $1.8M




The entities allowed to participate in this competition must be sole proprietors or small business concerns in accordance with Small Business Administration guidance under 13 Code of Federal Regulations § 121.201, or any entity willing and able to be registered as a small business in the United States (U.S.) if selected to participate in this competition.

Each eligible entity:

  • Shall be incorporated in, and maintain, a primary place of business in the U.S.
  • May not be a Federal entity or employ a Federal employee acting within the scope of their employment

Sole proprietors may participate in xTechSBIR if the individual is a citizen or national of the U.S. or a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. and the business is registered in the U.S. Foreign companies may participate in xTechSBIR by establishing a U.S. domestic business relationship (e.g., wholly owned U.S. subsidiary) or partner with a U.S. based company.

Partner Agency: The Office of the United States Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA(ALT)) and U.S. Army Applied

Submission window is closed.

xTechSBIR Clean Tech

xTechSBIR CleanTech

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